Tuesday 5 April 2011

ACJ Library

Reflections are sometimes so tempting to shoot...what I inferred from this frame when I saw it in my electronic viewfinder is, journalists' mind has to be half outside the library, no matter what he is reading there. 

Budding journalists come, read, gain, get enlightened...But, there are always some things in life which are meant to act as facilitators and catalysts. the tables and chairs shall always be here, those who use them shall not. 

As i clicked this pic immediately after the previous one posted, I got the feeling of a video camera being panned. Actually, I was trying out a different angle. For me, it means there is lot to be read even if we get the typical temporary complacence about a topic after reading a book on it. 

The shelves in libraries are very passive. When I look around for pics, I always sub-consciously search for objects which escape our hasty and roving eye. This pattern, according to me is beautiful. But I hadn't noticed it before. 
Patterns in photography always attract me. Here too, made it a point to keep the nuts in focus. It took time for me to ensure the frame is perfectly horizontal and that it shouldn't be a Dutch angle. This special care has to be taken when you are clicking your subject close-up and especially when the geometrics matter.

I see this pic as the post-cursor to the earlier one. it reminds me the TV grammar of going for a close-up after a long shot. The colour contrast just grabbed my eye. Though I like clarity in thought, I love particular things in out-focus in my pics. The out-focus simply editorialises. It directs the viewer to the subject. But sometimes it also points out to him the way the world looks at an important object which is out-focussed. 

This is the best one in this post, for me. Don't know why but cannot really describe this one.

The colour combination and the placement of the books are the highlights of this pic, according to me. I was waiting for someone to pass through the gap between the first book from the right and the one besides it. Nobody did. I smiled and clicked the picture. 
The uniformity in the book covers points out to me the difference in their content in spite of all looking the same from the exterior. Same with the cute to-be-adults in school.

For me, the stamp impression symbolises the journalistic apathy which is so evident in some instances. for example, when Pramod Mahajan's son was coming out of the Dadar crematorium, the TV journalists asked him, "How are you feeling?" He fainted.

Reflections can be beautiful on a polished wood, was a revelation for me. I like the partial reflection here. The one which we get on glass is mundane; a mirror image. Here, i find the reflection to be more beautiful than its source. Wow!

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